Attention Students, Staff, Parents & Community: Due to the current weather and sub-zero temps this evening, we have decided to reschedule the Family Techno-Literacy night until Thursday, March 14 from 5:00-7:00pm. We hope this helps ensure more families are able to attend!
about 6 years ago, Julie MacDonald
Techno-literacy night announcement
Attention staff, students, parents & community: due to the overnight weather, road conditions are icy & snow packed. Tribal roads are closed except for emergency travel until 8:00 am. We will run school on a 10:00 delayed start. Staff should report by 9:30 and parents should expect the buses to pick up your children about 1.5 hours later than normal. We will keep everyone updated if there will be any changes to this schedule.
about 6 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
Don't forget to make time to join us tomorrow night 5-7pm! Parents must accompany their children and students participating in the after school activities must be picked up by 5:15 if they are going to stay to participate with their family. We will be serving dinner for all!
about 6 years ago, Julie MacDonald
Techno-literacy announcement
Attention Lady Bear Fans: Here is the ticket sale information that we have for the State Tournament for this upcoming weekend! We hope to fill the stands with Lady Bear Fans cheering loud & proud at each game!
about 6 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
State tournament ticket info
School is open this week! The sewer line has been cleared and we have an exciting week ahead as we prepare to send our Lady Bears to the State Basketball Tournament!
about 6 years ago, Julie MacDonald
Spirit week sign
Spirit Week Schedule
Be sure to check out the Box Elder Lady Bears posters at the Four Seasons! We have so many artistically talented & creative students - and had two winners - Isabella MacDonald (5th grade) and Elizabeth Werk (K). Way to go girls! #BoxElderBears #talentedandcreative
about 6 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
Box Elder Posters
Attention students, staff, families, & community: after working all afternoon to clear the sewer line, it hasn’t budged. We will have to cancel school again tomorrow, Friday, February 22, 2019. We will keep everyone updated as we get information.
about 6 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
Box Elder Schools will be CLOSED tomorrow, Thursday, February 21, 2019 due to a city sewer issue. We hope to have everyone back in school Friday, February 22, 2019 - we will keep you updated!
about 6 years ago, Julie MacDonald
Congratulations to one of Box Elder School's Good News Calls of the Day! Memphis Henderson's teacher, Mrs. Soper, nominated him because he has demonstrated a positive attitude by following classroom procedures with a positive attitude. He is eager to help his classmates when he sees they are in need of help and encouragement. She is so proud of his hard work and determination to succeed as a part of their classroom community.
about 6 years ago, Julie MacDonald
Memphis Henderson Good News Call
Congratulations to one of our Box Elder School Good News Calls of the Day! Walter Wolf Chief's teacher, Mrs. Genereux, nominated him because he has been working really hard in math. He tries on every problem and takes his time to do a good job. He took the STAR Math test and brought his score up a whole grade level and over 60 points higher than his last test!
about 6 years ago, Julie MacDonald
Walter Wolf Chief Good News Call
Box Elder may just have one of the best fan bases in all of Northern C! Glad we got to bring our Honor Roll kids, Pep Club, and Pep Band to cheer along with the cheerleaders and rest of our fans!
about 6 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
Lady Bears Fan Club
Fan base
Lady Bears came to play! We ❤️our team!
about 6 years ago, Julie MacDonald
Cheering section
End of game vs Belt
Awesome cheerleaders
Cheering section
Box Elder Lady Bears on top of the Belt Lady Huskies 32-29 at the Half!
about 6 years ago, Travis Baumann
Just over 20 minutes till game time! Go Lady Bears Go!!!!!! 💙💛🏀🐻🏀💛💙
about 6 years ago, Julie MacDonald
If you don't plan on heading to Great Falls to cheer on the Lady Bears, here is your opportunity to watch the games live on the NFHS network! There is a link on the school app that goes directly to the NFHS network where you can log in with your personal account!
about 6 years ago, Julie MacDonald
NFHS schedule of games for Northern C Divisional Tournament
Be sure to dress in Blue & Gold tomorrow! Join is for a 3:15 send-off for our Lady Bears!
about 6 years ago, Julie MacDonald
Spirit day announcement for Blue & Gold apparel
Here’s the bracket for Northern C Divisional Tournament! Hope to see lots of fans out to support our Lady Bears!
about 6 years ago, Julie MacDonald
Northern C Divisional bracket
Attention all K-6 Box Elder Lady Bear fans: Check our this contest to show your artistic talents, show your Bear Pride, and your support for our Lady Bears! Entries must be submitted to the elementary office no later than 3:50 pm on Wednesday, February 20, 2019 in order to get them submitted in time on Thursday! We know we have fantastic artists and TONS of school spirit - can’t wait to see what everyone creates!
about 6 years ago, Julie MacDonald
Poster contest form
Don't forget - NO SCHOOL TOMORROW, February 18, 2019!
about 6 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
No School 2/18/19 announcement
Mrs. Kudrna’s first graders were determined to find the Book Bear today and they did it! We enjoyed “Three Ninja Pigs” and everyone got a blow pop as a treat! Keep looking for the Book Bear next week!
about 6 years ago, Julie MacDonald
Kaleah with the Book Bear!
Mrs. Kudrna’s first graders