Bears @ Chinook Tuesday, February 2, 2021 Jv girls - 3:00 p Jv boys - 4:30 p V girls - 6:00 p V boys - 7:30 p COVID Protocols: Each of your players/coaches is allowed 2 adult fans. No children under the age of 18 will be allowed. Fans that just show up may be turned away if your list is full. All teams and fans will enter at the south entrance (teams will be allowed in at 2:15, but not before) No concessions Masks are required Box Elder teams sit in section East C when they are not playing Box Elder fans sit in sections East B and C only. The games will be broadcast over NFHS. Please get with AD Rosette to on the list no later than Monday at 4pm Thanks
about 4 years ago, Curt Leeds
Public announcement from Superintendent MacDonald:
about 4 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
Public notice 1.31.21
Congratulations to Zai'Dyn Sutherland-Gopher for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Outs of the Day! Mrs. MacDonald is recognizing Zai'Dyn stating, "Zai'Dyn has been doing a fantastic job of showing Bear Pride and setting a great example for others. He upholds all of our new school safety measures and makes sure his actions keep himself and others safe whether teachers are around or not. I appreciate your great attitude and showing integrity in all areas, Zai'Dyn - and I love seeing your bright smile (even if it's behind a mask) at school! Keep being a fantastic kid!"
about 4 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
Zai'Dyn Sutherland-Gopher shout out
Congratulations to Xavier Spotted Bird for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Outs of the Day! Mrs. Donoven is recognizing Xavier stating, "Xavier has shown an amazing commitment to his learning despite the difficult times we have been facing. He is a great example of a student that puts forth all of his efforts to ensure that he receives the education that he deserves. We have been doing various progress monitoring tests this week and his scores are amazing in both reading and math. Xavier helps out the younger members in his family with their remote learning and he is always willing to help others in the classroom. Continue to shine Xavier! I'm so proud of you!"
about 4 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
Xavier Spotted Bird shout out
Sorry for the mistake on the last post. The game is Saturday in Rudyard. Parent- Link below for admittance and Contact Tracing:
about 4 years ago, Curt Leeds
Hey Basketball Parents. Here is the link to register for contact tracing for Friday's contests in Gildford:
about 4 years ago, Curt Leeds
Throwback Night!
about 4 years ago, Curt Leeds
Go Bears!
Go Bears!
Attention all Box Elder Basketball players and fans: Both Boys & Girls games against Harlem tomorrow are cancelled. Boys have no practice today, but will practice tomorrow at 4pm. Girls will practice today at their normal time.
about 4 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
District Update
about 4 years ago, Curt Leeds
Updated Bears Basketball Schedule for this week; Friday, January 22nd All games canceled vs Hays Lodgepole - rescheduled for Tuesday, February 9th. Saturday, January 23rd Box Elder @ Chester vs CJI Hawks JV Boys - 430pm Varsity Boys- 600pm **both girls game canceled, we are working on a date for a reschedule. Call AD Rosette if you have any questions.
about 4 years ago, Curt Leeds
Congratulations to Maddox Oliva for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Outs of the day! Mrs. MacDonald is recognizing Maddox stating, "Maddox is a great example of Bear Pride. He takes full responsibility for his work and attends class on time, every time. He adds his ideas to the conversation in a respectful manner and engages with the class discussion in a way that adds to the conversation and keeps everyone interested. I appreciate his willingness to share his ideas and his positive attitude. Way to go, Maddox - keep up the great work!
about 4 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
Maddox Oliva Shout Out
Congratulations to Isaac Kelly for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Outs of the day! Mrs. MacDonald is recognizing Isaac stating, "Isaac is always on time, prepared and respectfully and enthusiastically participates in our Google Meets classes. Beyond that, he keeps up on his schoolwork and does everything he can to do a great job and on the work he completes. Isaac is confident in sharing his opinion, which is a great way to keep conversation going and makes our class warm-up games more enjoyable! Thanks for being a great student, Isaac!"
about 4 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
Isaac Kelly shout out
Take a listen to our first Fight Like A Bear episode of Second Semester featuring Freshman students Kayden Swan, Gyme Kelly, Ariel Gopher and Winter Parker as they discuss coming back to school for the start of second semester!
about 4 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
Fight Like A Bear Podcast: Student edition
Tomorrow our Bears and Lady Bears travel to Harlem to take on the Wildcats. Times: Boys 5:00 PM & Girls 6:30 PM Just a couple reminders for our fan attendance: Children 2 & Under do not need a ticket, but must be accompanied by a parent/guardian who has a ticket No concessions Number of tickets - (1) for each athlete that will be suiting up Please read the Harlem Fan Plan if you are able to attend the contest.
about 4 years ago, Curt Leeds
New start times for home basketball games Saturday, January 16, 2021 vs Fort Benton JV girls - 3:30 pm (half game) JV boys - 4:30 pm Varsity girls- 6:00pm Varsity boys - 7:30 pm
about 4 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
Our Elementary Bears have been learning and using so much Neiyahw with Mr. Geboe, even through distance learning! Check it out!
about 4 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
Be sure to watch these informative video messages from Mr. Leeds and Samantha Small regarding coming back to school! We are excited to see everyone - masked up, physically distanced, and in the building!
about 4 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
Here is the update to the Bears' HS Basketball games in Big Sandy this Friday Night: Start Times JV Girls - 430pm Varsity Boys - 600pm Varsity Girls - 730pm **the JV Boys game is rescheduled for Monday, January 18 @ 430pm in Big Sandy** REMINDER TO BEARS FANS - be sure to fill out the google forms so you can attend the games. It is still 2 per rostered athletes Girls: Boys:
about 4 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
Congratulations to King Ragged Robe for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Outs of the Day! Mr. Debolt is recognizing King stating, "King is "Steady Eddy" - he displays amazing discipline week in and week out. His work ethic is out of this world and he is very prompt with handing in his assignments. With that being said, the quality of King's work never takes a back seat to getting it done on time. Each assignment King hands in is done almost perfectly and is also very thorough. Thank you King for taking pride in your work and in yourself. Keep up the great work!"
about 4 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
King Ragged Robe
Congratulations to Noah MacDonald for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Outs of the Day! Mrs. Genereux is recognizing Noah stating, "I am so proud of Noah. He completes all of his daily assignments each morning. He is respectful in the Google Meets and helps other students. Noah hasn't missed one assignment or one Google Meet all year. He is a prime example of a student that shows Bear Pride. Keep up the great work!"
about 4 years ago, Box Elder Public Schools
Noah MacDonald